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ALMEE is a non-governmental, non profit association created in November 1992.
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Develop and promote at a national level, the scientific and technical means for a better energy management and substantial energy conservation in different fields such as renewable energies: solar water heating, photovoltaic systems, wind energy and biomass in buildings and transports.

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Services & Activities
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ALMEE offers a wide range of services in the fields of energy:
  • It carries out scientific and technical research for a better energy management
  • It facilitates information exchange with organs and sister associations in Lebanon and abroad.
  • It aims at creating a library and a data base for energy, and an organ for the standardization and technical control of equipments.
  • It issues technical journals dealing with different aspects of energy and encourages editions on energy issues.
  • It organizes training, seminars, conferences and symposium dealing with various aspects of energy and energy conservation.
  • It helps develop non-polluting energies for the protection of the environment and the eco-system.
  • It contributes to the sensitizing of consumers of energy through regular campaigns of information in the media for the benefit of energy conservation.
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Fields of Action
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ALMEE's technical commissions carry out projects in the following fields and issues:

  • Renewable energies (solar, wind power, biomass)
  • Industry
  • Building (insulation, heating, glazing)
  • Energy and the environment
  • Transport
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Professor Chehab Said: President
Address: SLI Rue Notre Dame de Lourdes BADARO
Phone: 961 1 3 83 908

Mr Matar Tony: Technical Adviser
Phone: 961 92 1 5 840, 961 38 38 396
E Mail :

A.L.M.E. Address: BP 1553 or 50184 Lebanon
Phone : 961 1 3 85 043

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