eu-merci database
Developed by CRES, June 2017 - v201709041626
CC*C*.*C*.** Manufacturing.C
C1010.*10.** Manufacture of food productsC10
C1010.110.1* Processing and preserving of meat and production of meat productsC10.1
C1010.110.11 Processing and preserving of meatC10.1.1
C1010.110.12 Processing and preserving of poultry meatC10.1.2
C1010.110.13 Production of meat and poultry meat productsC10.1.3
C1010.210.2* Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscsC10.2
C1010.210.20 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscsC10.2.0
C1010.310.3* Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetablesC10.3
C1010.310.31 Processing and preserving of potatoesC10.3.1
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