• +030 210 6603300
  • cres@cres.gr

Gender Equality Plan

Since its establishment, CRES incorporates the Principle of Gender Equality in its activities and promotes equal opportunities between women and men. The Center, as a public sector research organization, meets the requirements of both the National Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 and the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 of the European Commission, by creating a workplace that meets and encourages hopes and expectations of its employees. With the Decision taken during the 440th / 21.12.2021 meeting of its Administrative Board, the Center, implements, from 1.1.2022, the Gender Equality Plan of CRES for the years 2022-2024, with the aim of strengthening the existing measures but also the adoption of new ones, aimed at creating a healthy working environment, where employees are treated equally, without discrimination, as members of a community that conveys trust, a sense of belonging and common goals.

The Plan covers the following areas:

1. Work-life Balance.
2. Gender equality in decision-making processes.
3. Gender equality in recruitment and career progression.
4. Gender and intersectionality in Research.
5. Combating gender-based violence, sexual and moral harassment.
