Selected CRES Projects| INTERREG MED


SISMA: "Supporting Innovative Schemes in the MED Area"

Funding Program: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: 2.1/ To raise capacity for better management of energy in public buildings at transnational level

Project type: Studying (M1)

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financing rate: 85%

Total Budget: 600,000.00 euro

CRES Budget: 80,000.00 euro

Project start-end: 1.11.2016 - 30.04.2018 (18 months)

Partners: Informest (Coordinator) - Italy, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) - Greece, Local energy agency of Goriska region (GOLEA) - Slovenia, Ribera consortium - Spain, Atomic Energy and alternative energies Commission (CEA) - France, Agency for Economic Development PREDA-PD - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Florence energy agency - Italy, Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italy.

Associated partners: Ministry of Infrastructure - Slovenia, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Srpska - Bosnia and Herzegovina, National Association Italian Municipalities Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italy, Regional Government of Valencia - Spain, Association for Sustainable Development of Cities - Greece.


SISMA short description:

SISMA aims to develop innovative financing schemes that leverage European Structural Funds on private financial resources to finance investment projects that lead to significant energy retrofits of public buildings. In particular the innovative schemes will aim at mobilizing private resources through ESCOs to finance investments with longer paybacks (max 10 years) in energy retrofit of public buildings. Viable and sustainable innovative financing schemes for energy investments with long term payback are necessary in order to abridge the barriers that hinder the business which is traditionally characterized by: a)ESCOs keep on following the “low hanging fruit” approach, focusing only on quick results; b)Public Administrations will keep on using ERDF in the “traditional way”, without taking fully advantage of the leverage factor to mobilize private financing through innovative contracts as EPC, since in the past this approach has been unsuccessful for energy investments with long term payback.