Energy planning for sustainable communities

Make Energy Saving a daily habit!!!

Dear Citizens of Municipality of Maroussi ,

Maroussi is currently a modern city that is both willing and able to become energy sustainable, by applying energy efficiency measures in its buildings, and promoting the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and viable forms of urban mobility.

To this end, the Municipality of Maroussi implements various innovative local actions, among which the actions undertaken in the framework of the European project PEPESEC, supported by the European Commission's “Intelligent Energy Europe” Programme ( main goal of PEPESEC project, whose implementation began in 2008 and is expected to be completed in June 2010, is the development mechanisms of cooperation and transfer of experience, as well as the demonstration of best practices and the development of Energy Plans supporting the emergence of sustainable energy municipalities and communities.

In the framework of the project and in order to ensure the viability and maximise the capitalisation of the results and their impact, not only during but also beyond the project duration, the Municipality of Maroussi decided to cooperate with the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES, in order to assess the energy saving potential in residential buildings of Maroussi.

The collaboration of Municipality of Maroussi with the National Energy Centre included the performance of an electricity measurement campaign with the participation of volunteers-Citizens and the use of “smart” metering systems, since it has been found from relevant experiences that savings of up to 20-30% can be obtained with little or no investment when using the technique of automatic utilities auditing in monitoring consumption (!!!).

Other than IS technologies and applications, important energy savings can be achieved from behavioural changes of each single Citizen (about 19% ±5%).

Based on the above observations, CRES investigated the energy saving possibilities from both intelligent metering and data analysis (measuring campaign) and energy behavioural change (design and distribution of a questionnaire on energy behaviour, attitudes and opinions regarding electricity, renewable energy and energy saving issues).

It is indeed true that old habits are not easily changed, and often, it is much more convenient to remain attached to previous behaviours. This website intends to convince you that the engagement to green energy and rational energy behavior constitutes an investment in our future. We can all together make the change and every effort, no matter how small or big it is, will contribute to the change of the energy landscape and to a sustainable energy future for the Municipality of Maroussi.

… because the rational use of energy concerns us all.